Windows App Development

window app

Windows App Development

Windows phone operating system is a very stable and an innovative platform. We have the expertise in developing windows mobile Applications in C#.

Mindrops (Formerly Advait solutions) involved in Windows application development with a team of dedicated developers. The developers continuously update their knowledge which helps to serve the customers better with impressive applications. Confidently outsource your Windows mobile application development projects with us as we are transparent at work and keep you informed at every stage.

By using the Windows Mobile platform, we build innovative mobile phone applications in Windows 8 store apps with technologies like

  • Visual Studio 2012
  • .Net
  • SliverLight
  • Windows Mobile SDK 8.0/8.1
  • IMAPI (Emails and SMS)
App Development Trends
  • SQLLite, Core Animation, XML/HTTP
  • Web services/SOAP/XML
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM)
  • Programming models (native code, managed code, mobile web development)
  • Multithreading

Why Us?

windows apps development
  • Windows Mobile native application development
  • Make use of platform specific features such as Live Tiles, Metro/ Windows 8 UI, Custom Notifications and In App Purchasing as well as custom components to meet application requirements.
  • Our developers also have deep expertise working with Silverlight as well as C# and .net frameworks, giving them the technical advantage your Windows Phone app needs.
  • Convert existing projects in other platforms into Windows platform
  • Strict quality development
  • Provide good support
  • Consistent in developing feature-rich apps, Windows Phone GPS, Bluetooth, Push APIs, Google MAP integration
  • Rigorous QA testing
  • Assistance in submission to the Windows Mobile Marketplace

How can we help you?

Our team thrives on new projects and challenges. If you have a project in mind that you think we could add value to, then please do get in touch. We would love to hear from you. Please call +91 9555575231 or

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